Field descriptions: Custom fields

This pages describes the fields on the Custom fields page. They are listed in alphabetical order by block.

Header block


Field Description

The switch determines if the field is active and displays.

Anchor field The field used to determine the relative position of the custom field.
Data type The type of custom field in the database.
Display on

Where the custom field displays in addition to the record and main list: Lookup or Navigation bar

Field type Determines how data is collected: checkbox, date, drop-down list, numeric, switch, or text.
Position relative to anchor field Determines if the custom field displays immediately before or after the anchor field.
Record type The main record type for the field, such as customer, item, account, and so on.
Technical name The name used to access API and in import/export operations. It should use camelCase for API consistency and cannot be modified after it's created.

Display tab


Field Description
Helper text A short sentence that displays below the field to improve correct entry.
Info message A short sentence that displays in a tooltip.
Postfix Characters that are added to the end of text or numeric values.
Only available for text and numeric field types.
Prefix Characters that are added to the beginning of text or numeric values.
Only available for text and numeric field types.
Title The field label that displays on the record.
Warning message A short sentence that displays in a tooltip.

Validation tab


Field Description
Maximum length Only displays for text and numeric fields.
Minimum length Only displays for text and numeric fields.
Required Indicates if the field is required or not.

This tab only displays if the custom field is a drop-down list.

Field Description
Active Indicates if this entry is active or not in the dropdown list of entries.
Displayed label The field label that displays on the screen. You can change this name.
Technical name Used for API and import/export opertations. It should use camelCase for API consistency and cannot be modified after it's created.