Field descriptions: Business entity

This page describes the fields for the Business entity page. The fields in each tab are listed in alphabetical order.

General tab

Field Description

The switch to make the business entity available or unavailable for use in other pages.

Country The country from which the business entity operates, or trades.
Currency The trading currency.
ID The code that identifies the business entity.
Image The image associated with the business entity, such as the company logo.
Legal entity Defines whether the supplier is a corporation or a physical person. The selection determines which tax rules apply.
Name The business entity name.
Parent business entity The subsidiaries or divisions from the same organization the business entity does business with, that is, another business entity. You can track subsidiary contact and billing information separately.
Roles The role of the business entity: Customer, Supplier, or Site.

The SIRET number of the business entity if located in France.

Tax ID The tax identification number is a unique identifier used by fiscal authorities for all tax formalities. Ensure the format you enter is appropriate for the country. You can leave the tax identification number blank if the business entity is located in the United States.
Website The website of the business entity.

Addresses tab

You need to enter at least 1 address. By default, a single address is the primary address.

New and Edit business entity address panel

Field Description

The switch to make the address available or unavailable for use on other pages.

Address lines 1 and 2 The address details.
City The city or town where the address is located.
Country The country where the address is located.
Name The company or person at this address.
Phone number The phone number for the address.
Primary address

Checkbox that defines this as the primary address used by default on other pages.

State/County/Region The field label and formatting change according to the selected country.
ZIP code/Postal code

The postal code or ZIP code according to the selected country.

Contacts tab and New and Edit contact panel

Field Description
Active The switch to make the contact available or not for this address.

The name of the address.

Email The contact email address.
First name / Last name The contact first name and last name.
Phone number The contact phone number.
Position The contact job title.
Preferred name The contact's preferred name if different from the first name.
Primary contact

Checkbox that defines this as the primary contact for this address. Each address can have a different primary contact.

Role The type of contact: Commercial contact, Financial contact, or Main contact.
Title The contact title: Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.