Field descriptions: Purchase invoice

This page describes the fields for the Purchase invoice page. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Description
Number The number can be added manually when you create a purchase invoice, if not, it is generated automatically. Once generated it cannot be modified.

The invoice status. This status changes automatically and can be:

  • Variance when created and a variance between the total supplier amount excluding tax, total supplier tax, total supplier amount including tax and the total excluding tax, tax and including tax amounts.
  • No Variance when created and no variance.
  • Posting in Progress when the financial system you are integrating with is waiting to respond.
  • Posted when you post the invoice from the purchase invoice record.
  • Stock error when stock details are incorrectly allocated.
  • Posting Error when you do not select the correct dimensions, for example a supplier does not exist on the financial system you are integrating with. It could also be because either Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations or the financial system you are integrating with is having technical issues.
Field Description
Bill-by supplier

The name of the business partner who issues the invoice for a sale. You can select a stored record or create a new supplier.

When the supplier is a business entity marked as a site, and when the legal company of the site and the financial site are the same, a message displays and you cannot save the purchase invoice. This supplier cannot be selected for the purchase invoice. You need to select a different supplier. This control prevents a supplier and financial site within the same legal company from being selected, to avoid billing issues.
Financial site The site of a company where accounting, financial reporting and tracking is done and managed. You can select a stored record or create a new financial site.
Invoice date The date that the invoice was created. This automatically matches the date the purchase invoice is created, but you can change it to an earlier date when you create the purchase invoice.
Number The number can be added manually when you create a purchase invoice, if not, it is generated automatically. Once generated it cannot be modified.
Supplier document date The supplier invoice date. This automatically matches the date the purchase invoice is created, but you can change it to an earlier date when you create the purchase invoice.
Total supplier amount The total supplier amount excluding tax is based on the net price and the quantity.
Total supplier tax The total supplier tax is calculated automatically, based on the gross price and the quantity. You cannot change it.

Indicator Bar

Field Description
Total supplier amount including tax The total supplier amount including tax is based on the gross price and the quantity.
Total tax variance The difference between the total supplier tax amount and the total tax amount.
Total variance amount excl. tax The difference between the total supplier amount excluding tax and the total excluding tax amount.
Total variance amount including tax The difference between the total supplier amount including tax and the total including tax amount.

Lines tab

Field Description
Gross price The final sales price per unit of an item, including all taxes and charges.
Item description A description of the goods, product or service that is being purchased or sold.
Item name The goods, product or service that is being purchased or sold.

The method used to create a purchase invoice. The two origins can be:

  • Direct
  • Purchase receipt
Purchase unit The purchasing unit of the selected item. You cannot modify this information. It is defined in the Item page.
Quantity in purchase unit The quantity in the purchasing unit. You cannot modify this information.
Recipient site The site where the goods or services are consumed. It can be a stock site (physical site) or a purchase site. You can select a stored record or create a new recipient site on the Site page.

Information tab

Field Description
Due date The date that payment is due by. This automatically matches the date the purchase invoice is created, but you can change it when you create the purchase invoice.
Payment term The payment term for the purchase invoice defaults to the selected supplier's payment term. You can change it when you create the purchase invoice.
Stock status

The stock status is set automatically. You cannot change it.

  • Draft: The stock adjustment is not posted.
  • In progress: The stock adjustment is posted but not validated yet.
  • Completed: The stock adjustment is posted and validated.
Transaction currency The currency for the purchase invoice defaults to the selected supplier's currency. You can change it when you create the purchase invoice.
Variance status
  • Variance when created and a variance between a receipt and an invoice.
  • No Variance when created and no variance.
  • Variance Approved when variance between a receipt and an invoice is approved.

Financial tab

Field Description
Pay-to supplier

The name of the business partner who receives the payment for a sale. It will match the Bill-by supplier field. You can amend it.

Totals tab

Field Description
Excluding tax The total excluding tax amount of all the lines, in the order currency.
Including tax The total including tax amount of all the lines, in the order currency.
Tax The total tax amount on all lines related to the purchase invoice. You cannot change this.

Posting tab

Field Description
Accounting integration reference The reference in your financial solution.
Document number The document number and a link to the document.
Document type The document type such as journal entry or accounts payable invoice.
Error details An explanation of the error or errors that occurred during the posting process.
Status The posting status.
  • Posting in progress: The posting is in progress.
  • Posting error: An error occurred during the posting.
  • Posted: The posting was done with no error.

Notes tab

Field Description
Repeat all the line notes on new documents. If it’s switched on, the purchase invoice line notes are repeated on the corresponding credit memo lines if you select Create credit memo on a purchase invoice that has been posted.
Repeat the document notes on new documents. If it's switched on, the purchase invoice notes are repeated on the credit memo at the header level if you select Create credit memo on a purchase invoice that has been posted.

Landed cost allocation panel

This panel displays when you select Landed cost from the More actions icon for the line. This action is available only when landed cost items have been added to the invoice.

Field Description
Amount to allocate The total available amount that can be allocated to any corresponding purchase receipts.
Allocated amount The current amount that is allocated to any corresponding purchase receipts.
Amount to allocate in company currency

The total available amount that can be allocated to any corresponding purchase receipts in the currency of the financial site receiving the invoice.

Allocated amount in company currency The current amount that is allocated to any corresponding purchase receipts in the currency of the financial site receiving the invoice.
Allocation rule The rule used to allocate the landed costs to the purchase invoice, for example by volume or weight.
Allocation rule unit The unit that the allocation rule is measured by.
Allocation method The way the allocation is carried out, for example manually or automatically.
Total volume The total volume allocated to any corresponding purchase receipt lines.

Line Panel

The fields below display when you select Open Line panel or Add line in panel.

Information tab

Field Description
Item description A description of the goods, product or service that is being purchased or sold.
Item name The goods, product or service that is being purchased or sold.

The method used to create a purchase invoice. The two origins can be:

  • Direct
  • Purchase receipt
Purchase unit The purchasing unit of the selected item. You cannot modify this information. It is defined in the Itempage.
Quantity in purchase unit The quantity in the purchasing unit. You cannot modify this information.
Recipient site The site where the goods or services are consumed. It can be a stock site (physical site) or a purchase site. You can select a stored record or create a new recipient site on the Site page.

Price tab

Field Description
Charge The usual or exceptional increase of the gross price of a product, item or service.
Discount The usual or exceptional reduction of the gross price of a product, item or service.
Gross price

The final sales price per unit of an item, including all taxes and charges.

Net price The price at which a product or service is sold after all taxes and other costs are added and all discounts subtracted.
Tax amount The total of the tax associated with all lines on the invoice.
Total excluding tax The total excluding tax amount is based on the net price and the quantity.
Total excluding tax company currency The total excluding tax amount is calculated automatically in the currency of the supplier, based on the net price and the quantity. You cannot change it.
Total including tax The total including tax amount is based on the gross price and quantity.
Total including tax company currency The total including tax amount is calculated automatically in the currency of the supplier, based on the gross price and the quantity. You cannot change it.

Matching Tab

Field Description
Order unit price The unit price for this item on the purchase order linked to it.
Quantity ordered The quantity ordered in the purchasing unit.
Quantity received The quantity received in the purchasing unit.
Receipt unit price The unit price for this item on the purchase receipt linked to it.
Total amount from order The unit price from the order multiplied by the quantity invoiced.
Total amount from receipt The unit price from the receipt multiplied by the quantity invoiced.
Variance approver The individual who approves the variance.
Variance status
  • Variance when created and a variance between a receipt and an invoice.
  • No Variance when created and no variance.
  • Variance Approved when variance between a receipt and an invoice is approved.
Variance type The type of variance between the invoice and the receipt. It could be a difference in quantity or price.