Field descriptions: Mass invoice creation


Field Description

The company associated with the sales site.

From bill-to customer
To bill-to customer

The customer or range of customers the invoices are for. You can select a range of customers from a list of active customer records by ID.

A customer that was created from a business entity whose site belongs to the same legal company as the sales site cannot be selected. Those customers are not shown in the selection list. This control prevents a customer and sales site within the same legal company from being selected, to avoid billing issues.
From shipment number
To shipment number

The shipment reference for the invoices you want to generate, for example, from shipment SH230030 to shipment SH230035.
All shipments within this range associated with the sales site and company are displayed.

Invoice date

Defaults to the current date. You can set it to an earlier date if needed. This date is used as the invoice date.

Maximum shipping date

The latest date a shipment can be dispatched.


The sales site associated with the shipment.