Field descriptions: Stock value change

This page describes the fields for the Stock value change page. The fields in each section are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Description
Date The current date. This date is updated automatically.
Description The reference for the stock value change. This is a free-format text field. Use it to identify the stock value change.
Item The stock item name.
Number The stock value change reference number.
Site The site the item is stored at or managed from.
Stock status

The current stock value change status. This field is updated automatically.

Draft: The stock value change is awaiting posting.

In progress: The stock value change is currently updating the item record.

Completed: The stock value change is complete. The item has been updated with the new cost.

Valuation method

The stock valuation method for the Item. You cannot change this value.

Lines grid

These fields display if the Valuation method for the item-site record is Average unit cost:

Field Description

The total value of the stock at the site.

New amount The new, adjusted value of the stock at the site.
New unit cost

The new, adjusted cost for a single item at the site.


The quantity of the item in stock at the site.

Unit cost

The cost of a single item. This is the average unit cost of one stock item.

Note that the average unit cost of the item can change with each stock receipt.

These fields display if the Valuation method for the item-site record is FIFO cost:

Field Description

The total value of the stock at the site.

Effective date The stock receipt date.
New amount The new, adjusted value of the stock at the site.
New unit cost The new, adjusted cost for a single item at the site.
Non-absorbed amount

The difference between the actual receipt cost of the item and the actual invoiced cost for the item that cannot be apportioned across the stock quantity originally receipted.

This field is set to zero except when the item selected in the FIFO tier has a difference in the receipt cost.

Receipt The stock receipt transaction reference and link to open the receipt transaction.
Receipt quantity The quantity received in the stock unit.
Remaining quantity The quantity in the batch or lot not yet allocated to a transaction.

The position of the batch or lot in the FIFO batch queue. Stock is issued according to this queue.

Unit cost

The cost of a single item. This is the FIFO (first-in, first-out) cost of one stock item based on its cost at receipt.

Note that the FIFO cost of the item can change with each stock receipt.

Dimensions window

Use to define default and individual attributes and dimensions for managing business rules and analyzing and tracking the item value using analytical accounting data.

Field Description

The Channel dimension name.

Channel dimensions are used to aggregate revenue for analytical purposes, by geographic area or by business type, for example.


The Department dimension name.

Department dimensions are used to aggregate financial information for analytical purposes by department.


The Project attribute name.

Project attributes are used to aggregate financial information for analytical purposes by project.