Field descriptions: Weekly shift

General block

Field Description

The sum of the duration of all work schedules assigned to a day of the week.

The field is calculated automatically. For example, it displays 40∶00 if a specific daily work schedule has a duration of 8 hours and you assign the identical work schedule to 5 working days of the week.

Full week The shift for each day of the week, Monday to Sunday, lasts for a full 24 hours with no breaks, if selected.

The code that identifies the weekly work schedule, or weekly shift.

A shift is a fixed work schedule. A work schedule ID can be attributed to multiple resources.

Name The name of the weekly work schedule, or weekly shift.

Details block

Field Description
[day] shift

The code that identifies the work schedule, or shift for the day.

A shift is a fixed work schedule. The shift code defines the actual start time and actual end time of each continuous period of work in the working day, or shift. The assigned shift code can include predefined breaks between the start and end time of each shift such as for a lunch break, for shift change times and for incidents that regularly affect a working day such as machine downtime.

Select [day] shift grid

Field Description

The code that identifies the weekly work schedule, or weekly shift.

A shift is a fixed work schedule.

Name The name of the weekly work schedule, or weekly shift.