Weekly shift

Use this function to define a working pattern, also known as a shift pattern, for a full week.

Weekly shift patterns are fixed working patterns that include working days and non-working days within a 7-day week. Each day of the week is attributed to a daily shift pattern which considers shift overlap, shift change times and incidents that regularly affect a shift pattern such as training, holidays and machine downtime.

Weekly shift patterns are associated with labor, machine and tool resources.

Create a weekly shift pattern

  1. To add a new shift pattern, select Add.
  2. Enter the shift pattern ID, then give your shift pattern a Name.

    You are advised to give each weekly shift pattern a logical ID and Name. This will make it easier to assign the correct shift to a resource. For example, a 3-day shift pattern could have the ID 3ON4OFF and the Name 3-DAY SHIFT or 3 DAYS ON 4 DAYS OFF.

  3. Select the Full week checkbox if the shift for each day of the week is for a full 24 hours with no breaks.

    A machine might run for 24 hours per day, for example.

    Skip step 4 and go straight to step 5.

    Otherwise, leave the Full week checkbox clear.

  4. Leave the Capacity field blank and assign a shift code to each working day of the week.

    If a day of the week is a rest day or a non-working day, leave the [day] shift field blank.

    Each daily shift code defines the actual start time and actual end time of each continuous period of work in the working day, or shift. Your selected code might last for a full 24 hours with no breaks, or it might include predefined breaks between the start and end time of each shift. A break in a shift pattern might occur for a lunch break, shift change times and for incidents that regularly affect a working day such as machine downtime.

  5. Save your shift pattern.

    The Capacity of the shift pattern is calculated and displayed.

Edit or delete a weekly shift pattern

You can edit the Name of the shift pattern.

You can change the individual shift assigned to a specific day of the week. When you save your changes the message "Record updated" is displayed. The Capacity of the shift pattern is recalculated automatically and displayed.

You can only delete a Weekly shift record that has not been assigned to a resource. The message "You are about to delete this record. Confirm?" is displayed. You must confirm your action to delete the record.