Sequence number assignment

Sage delivers a set of sequence number assignments for sales, purchasing, stock and manufacturing document types. Use this page to display sequence number assignments by document type. You can search by legislation, company and site, or by the default criteria.

You can also define sequence number assignments.

To create sequence numbers, use the Sequence number page.

Assign a sequence number to a document type

  1. Select Add from the grid.
  2. Select the Sequence number and the Document type in the New sequence number assignment panel.

    You can link the sequence number to a legislation, a company, or a site.

    When you assign a sequence number to a Sales invoice or a Sales credit memo document type for the French or South African legislation, the Assign on posting checkbox displays. Select this checkbox to use this sequence number to generate the final document number when you post the document.

    French and South African legal requirements

    When you post a sales invoice or a sales credit memo, the document needs a chronological and sequential number. To manage this requirement, you need to assign 2 different sequence numbers to the document:

    • You assign the first sequence number with the Assign on posting checkbox cleared. When you create the document, this sequence number is used to generate the number which displays in the document Number field and in the Creation number field.

    • You assign the second sequence number with the Assign on posting checkbox selected. This sequence number needs to have the Chronological control checkbox selected so that the documents have chronological and sequential numbers. When you post the document, this sequence number is used to generate the final document number. It displays in the document Number field. The original number remains in the Creation number field.

  3. Select Save.

Search and filter the sequence number assignments

  • To display the sequence numbers for a specific legislation, for a specific company, or for a specific site, select the criteria. Clear the Include default values checkbox, and select Filter. The list only displays the sequence numbers assigned to the documents for the selected criteria. For example, if you select France as the Legislation criteria, the list only displays the sequence numbers defined for the French legislation and assigned to the different documents.

  • To display the set of sequence numbers provided with your system and assigned by default to the different documents, select the Include default values checkbox, but do not select any criteria.

    If you select the Include default values checkbox and you select a criteria, for example the French legislation, the grid displays the set of default sequence numbers provided with your system for all legislations. It also displays all the sequence numbers assigned to the documents for this specific legislation.
    It does not display the set of default sequence numbers provided with your system only for this legislation.

Edit or delete a sequence number assignment

You cannot edit or delete default sequence number assignments.

To edit or delete a sequence number assignment:

  1. Select the sequence number assignment line.
  2. Select the More actions icon, then select Edit or Delete.
  3. Make changes as needed.
  4. Select Save.