Field descriptions: Work in progress transaction inquiry

This page describes the fields for the Work in progress transaction inquiry page. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Description
Amount The tracked transaction amount.
Cost The tracked transaction cost.
Currency The name of the currency used for the transaction.
Currency ID The code of the currency used for the transaction.
Date The work in progress tracking creation date or work order closing date.
Document The work in progress tracking reference or work order reference, and link to open the tracking document or work order.

The finished item name.

The finished item is defined as a bill of material.

Item ID

The code that identifies the finished item.

The released item is defined as a stock item.

Quantity The tracked transaction quantity.
Site The production site name.
Site ID The production site code.

The current work order status or progress of the work order.

Pending: The work order is awaiting tracking.

Posted: The work order is complete. Production has ceased and the work order is closed.

Error: The tracking transaction posting failed.


The work in progress tracking type.

Material tracking: Tracked component costs.

Production tracking: Tracked production costs, which includes material costs and process costs.

Run time tracking: Tracked time for performing production operations.

Setup time tracking: Tracked time for setting up resources for production operations.

Work order actual cost adjustment: For closed work orders, where tracked production costs are less than planned production costs for a released item costed at average unit cost or FIFO cost (first-in, first-out).

Work order indirect cost: Indirect costs are currently included in the planned production costs, which includes process costs, and actual production costs for the work order. This individual inquiry type will be available in a future release of Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations.

Work order negative actual cost adjustment: For closed work orders, where tracked production costs are more than planned production costs for a released item costed at average unit cost or FIFO cost.

Work order negative variance: For closed work orders, where tracked production costs are more than planned production costs for a released item costed at standard cost.

Work order variance: For closed work orders, where tracked production costs are less than planned production costs for a released item costed at standard cost.

Blank: All tracking types are displayed.

Unit The tracked transaction unit.
Work order The work order reference.