Field descriptions: Customer

This page describes the fields on the Customer page. The fields on each tab are listed in alphabetical order.

General tab

Field Description

The switch to make the customer record available or unavailable for use on new sales documents.

If the customer record is inactive, but in use on sales documents that are not closed, you receive an error.

Category The customer category.
Country The country where the customer is based.
Currency The trading currency that the customer uses.
DATEV ID This number should respect DATEV standards: numeric characters between 10,000 and 69,999. The number of characters depends on the DATEV configuration setting.
This field only displays for German legislation and if the DATEV service option is ON.
ID The unique customer identifier. Automatically assigned if you create the customer from a business entity.
Image This field can display an image, such as the company's logo.
Legal entity

Defines whether the customer is a corporation or a physical person. This information is used for tracking the VAT liability of cross border transactions in Europe.

Name The customer name.
SIRET This field is only available when the Country field is set to France. It is the customer's 14-digit site tax identification number. It is made up of the SIREN code of the legal entity the establishment belongs to, the NIC of the establishment.
Tax ID The tax identification number is a unique identifier used by fiscal authorities for all tax formalities. Ensure the format you enter is appropriate for the country. You can leave the tax identification number blank if the customer is located in the United States.

Sage Intacct block

This block only displays if you use Sage Intacct as your financial solution. You can add these fields to the Customer page main list for a quick overview of the synchronization status with Sage Intacct.

Field Description
Sage Intacct ID

When you save a new supplier record, the ID is automatically generated. See the Sage Intacct integration guide for details.

Address tab

You need to enter at least 1 address. By default, a single address is the primary address.

New and Edit customer address panel

Field Description


The switch to make the address available or unavailable for use on other pages.

Address line 1
Address line 2
The address details.
City The city or town where the address is located.
Country The country where the address is located.



The field label and formatting change according to the selected country.
Name A name for this customer address.
You could use your company's internal name for the address such as Finance office or Dallas warehouse, or you could use the customer's name for the address such as ABC Trading, Branch 123, and so on.
Phone number The phone number for the address.
Postal code

The postal code or ZIP code according to the selected country.

Primary address Checkbox that defines this as the primary address used by default on other pages.

Contacts tab and New and Edit contact panel

Field Description

The switch to make the contact available or not for this address.


The name of the address.

Email The contact email address.
First name
Last name

The contact first name and last name.

Phone number The contact phone number.
Position The contact job title.
Preferred name The contact's preferred form of address.
Primary contact

Checkbox that defines this as the primary contact for this address. Each address can have a different primary contact.

Role The type of contact: Commercial contact, Financial contact, or Main contact.
Title The contact title: Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

Financial tab

Field Description
Credit limit

You can enter a credit limit for the customer. When the customer reaches this credit limit, you can decide to stop trading with them and put them on hold by selecting the On hold checkbox.

When you integrate customers with Sage Intacct, the credit limit and on hold settings come from Sage Intacct. You can only manage them in Sage Intacct.
Minimum order amount

The minimum order value you accept from this customer in the currency selected on the General tab.

On hold

You can select this checkbox if you want to put the customer on hold. This can be done as a credit control measure if the customer is late paying for existing invoices or if they are a poor credit risk.

At company level, the value in the Customer on hold check field indicates which action to take when the customer is on hold. You cannot confirm nor ship their sales orders, a simple warning is shown when confirming or shipping an order, or there’s no particular action.

When you integrate customers with Sage Intacct, those settings come from Sage Intacct. You can only manage them in Sage Intacct.
Payment term

The payment term to be applied to the bills for this customer. Payment terms specify when an invoice is due and can include discounts and/or penalties.

Posting class

The posting class to be used for this customer when creating financial transactions for the accounting interface.

Primary bill-to address

The address where bills for this customer are sent. By default it is the primary address, but you can select from any of the customer's addresses.

Dimensions block

Use these fields to a define default dimension types and attribute types for a customer.

The actual fields that display are dynamic and reflect existing dimension types and attribute types that are active.

Items tab

This table also describes the fields for the New and Edit item-customer panel.

Field Description

Switch that allows the item-customer record to be used in sales documents.

Customer This field contains the current customer's name and cannot be changed.
Item An item.
Item-customer ID
Item-customer name
The ID code and name that the customer uses to identify this item.
Minimum sales quantity
Maximum sales quantity
The minimum and maximum sales quantity this customer can place for this item per sales order, in sales units.
Sales unit The sales unit you used to sell this item to this customer.
Stock unit conversion factor The conversion multiplier to convert the Sales unit selected to the item's stock unit. For example, if you store wires and cables in drums of 100 yards and sell them in yards, the conversion is 0.01; 100 sales units are equal to 1 stock unit.

Item prices tab

This table also describes the fields for the New and Edit sales price panel.

Field Description

Switch that allows the customer's item price details to be used in sales documents.

Charge The percentage to be added to the price.
Currency The currency used for the price.
Discount The percentage to be deducted from the price.
From quantity
To quantity

The quantity range applied to the price.

You can leave both fields blank if the price applies to any quantity or enter a value in only 1 field.

Item The item name.
Price The price to be charged for the item.
Price reason

The reason why the customer is not paying the standard base price for the item. The selection list varies per customer, depending on the reason created in the Customer price reason function.

If the priorities are set appropriately, you can assign price reasons to use prices with overlapping date or quantity ranges.

Sales site The sales site the price relates to. If a sales site is specified, the price is only effective for sales made from that site. If a sales site isn't specified, the price applies to sales from all sites.
Start date
End date
The sales order date range applied to the price.
If you do not enter an end date, it means the price continues indefinitely. If you do not enter dates in either field, the price applies to any date.
Stock site The stock site the price relates to. If a stock site is specified, the price is only effective for sales of stock from that site. If a stock site isn't specified, the price applies to sales of stock from all sites.
Unit of measure The measurement unit used to specify the quantity range applied to the price, if any. It needs to be the customers sales unit, as defined on the Items tab, or the item sales or stock unit.

Note tab

Field Description
Internal notes

The text box where you can add notes about the customer. They are only for internal purposes. They display as default internal notes when you create a sales order.