Field descriptions: Stock valuation
This page describes the fields for the Stock valuation report page. The fields in each section are listed in alphabetical order.
Criteria block
Field | Description |
Calculation user | Your Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations user name. |
Commodity code |
The internationally recognized reference code that describes the item for import or export. A commodity code determines the rate of Customs Duty and any taxes due on the item. The code comprises 2 elements. The first 6 digits are recognized worldwide; the remaining digits are determined by each individual country. |
Company |
The parent company.
Date | The stock valuation run date. The current date is the default date. You can select an earlier date but not a later date. |
Display zero values |
Indicates if item-site records without a quantity on hand or value are included in the stock valuation report. |
From item To item |
The item name. Enter or select the same item code for the From item and To item fields to value a single item. Enter or select the required item codes to value a range of items. Leave blank to value all stock items. |
Item category |
The item category. The list of item categories includes those delivered by Sage and item categories created by your organization that identify with your production and sales processes. |
Posting class | The general account used in the journal entry lines when the item is used in business transactions such as a sales or purchase invoice, or a stock receipt, or issue. |
Site |
The site or sites the item is stored at or managed from. You can enter or select multiple storage sites. This field is disabled if you enter a Company. |
Status | The stock valuation report run status: In progress or Completed. |
Valuation method |
The stock valuation method. Standard cost: This is the default stock valuation method. The cost is typically established at the beginning of a period to value the item and the stock movements. Average unit cost: A valuation method which averages the value of all stock of the item by dividing the total cost of all items in stock by the total quantity of all units in stock. FIFO cost: First in, first out valuation method, where the first item received into stock is the first to be issued. Leave blank to include all stock valuation methods. |
Results grid
Field | Description |
Total stock value |
The total stock value of all lines in the search or filtered results when the lines in the results grid have the same currency. If one or more lines are for a different currency, this value does not display. |
Field | Description |
Commodity code |
The internationally recognized reference code that describes the item for import or export. A commodity code determines the rate of Customs Duty and any taxes due on the item. The code comprises 2 elements. The first 6 digits are recognized worldwide; the remaining digits are determined by each individual country. |
Company |
The parent company. |
Cost type | The item stock valuation method. |
Currency | The financial site currency. |
Item category |
The item category. The list of item categories includes those delivered by Sage and item categories created by your organization that identify with your production and sales processes. |
Item ID | The item code. |
Item name | The name of the item. |
Posting class | The general account used in the journal entry lines when the item is used in business transactions such as a sales or purchase invoice, or a stock receipt, or issue. |
Quantity | The quantity of the item in stock when the report was run. |
Site |
The site or sites the item is stored at or managed from. |
Status | The status of the item. The item needs to be Active to use it in Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations. |
Stock unit | The item stock unit. |
Stock value | The value of the stock when the report was run. |
Unit cost | The cost of a single item. |
Valuation date | The stock valuation run date. |