Field descriptions: Sequence number

This page describes the fields for the Sequence number page. The fields in each section are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Description
ID The sequence number identification code.
Legislation The legislation that applies to the structure of the sequence number.
Name The sequence number name.

Sequence number details block

Field Description
Chronological control

Select this checkbox when documents need to be numbered based on time. This can be used for legislations with specific legal requirements, such as France or South Africa. The French legislation, for example, requires that sales invoice numbers are generated chronologically and sequentially.

The sales invoice creation date and the posting date can differ. Consequently, 2 different sequence numbers are provided. One is used to generate the creation number. It does not necessarily need any chronological control. The other is used to generate the final document number when you post the document.

The posting sequence number needs to have the chronological control activated. For more information, refer to the Sequence number assignment page.

Definition level

The sequence number management criteria.

Application: There is a single sequence number for the entire application.

Company or Site: There is a separate sequence number for each company or site.

The constant for each company or site is defined in the Sequence number value field in the Site or the Company page.

Reset frequency The frequency at which you reset the sequence number: never, yearly, and monthly.
Type The sequence number format: alphanumeric or numerical.

Components grid

Field Description

The predefined component value.

This component value remains fixed when the sequence number for a record is generated. You can use it to define the type of document. For example, enter SI for a sales invoice.

Length The length of the component.
Type The components that make up the structure of the sequence number: constant, year, month, week, day, company, site, and sequence number.
Field Description
Sequence number length

The sum of the individual sequence number component lengths.

Update sequence number value window

This window displays when you select Update value from the More actions menu.

Field Description
Company The name the company uses in reports and other documents. It can be different from the legal name of the company.
Company ID The descriptive ID of the company. You can change it anytime because this is not the technical ID of the company.
Definition level

The sequence number management criteria.

Application: There is a single sequence number for the entire application.

Company or Site: There is a separate sequence number for each company or site.

The constant for each company or site is defined in the Sequence number value field in the Site or the Company page.

Last updated on The last time the sequence number was updated.
Length The length of the sequence number.
New next value This value replaces the next value used in the sequence number. For example if the Next value is 4, but the New next value is 8, then the next sequence number created will have a sequence number value of 8.
Next value The next value used in the sequence number. For example if this value is 4, then the next sequence number created will have a sequence number value of 4.
Period The period of time that the sequence number value is created. For example, if the reset period is year, the sequence value is created for the selected year.
Reset frequency The frequency at which you reset the sequence number: never, yearly, and monthly.
Sequence number The sequence number name.
Site The name of the site.
Site ID The descriptive ID of the site. You can change it anytime because this is not the technical ID of the site.

Create sequence number value window

Field Description
Definition level

The sequence number management criteria.

Application: There is a single sequence number for the entire application.

Company or Site: There is a separate sequence number for each company or site.

The constant for each company or site is defined in the Sequence number value field in the Site or the Company page.

Length The length of the sequence number.
Next value The next value used in the sequence number. For example if this value is 4, then the next sequence number created will have a sequence number value of 4.
Period date The date that the period created for the sequence number value will start from.
Reset frequency The frequency at which you reset the sequence number: never, yearly, and monthly.
Sequence number The sequence number name.
Site The name of the site.
Site ID The descriptive ID of the site. You can change it anytime because this is not the technical ID of the site.