Purchasing overview

You can use Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations to manage your purchasing process.

A process flow chart showing that a purchase order can be created from a purchase requisition. It shows that a purchase order generates a purchase receipt, which then creates a purchase invoice. It also shows how a purchase receipt can generate a purchase return, which then creates a purchase credit memo if the purchase receipt is invoiced. Items and suppliers are prerequisites. Purchase documents can be managed by different people within your business.

Purchasing process main steps, from purchase requisition to credit memo

The purchasing process consists of creating purchase orders whether directly or from purchase requisitions. From these purchase orders, you can generate purchase receipts, and finally create the purchase invoice. You can also create purchase returns. When the purchase receipts have been returned and invoiced, you can generate the purchase credit memos.

To be able to create purchase orders, you need your item and supplier records created in the Item page and Supplier page.

Purchase requisitions, orders, receipts, and returns are generally managed by the buyer. Purchase invoices and credit memos are generally managed by AP clerks.

Detailed purchasing process

This chart shows the detailed process of the purchasing workflow, from the purchase requisition to the credit memo. Click the chart to open it in a full page (opens new window, PDF, 0.2 MB).

A large process flow chart showing the steps of the purchasing process in more detail. The detailed flow of each step is displayed at the top of the corresponding documentation. There are links to them at the bottom of this page.

Each step of the purchasing workflow is described in details in the corresponding documentation. You can find the link of each documentation below: