
Use this page to manage the list of journals that can be exported to your financial solution when you generate journals. You need journals for sales and purchasing invoices and credit memos.

The journals listed here need to have the same name and code as those listed in your financial solution. This is especially important if you enter journals manually.

Journals are used when creating or updating journal entry types.

Each journal has a unique sequence number that is required to link the journal to a journal entry type.

If a journal is not active you cannot link to an entry type.

Create a journal

If Sage FRP 1000 is your financial solution, you need to enter the same information from that solution in Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations.
If you add, edit, or delete information in one solution, you must manually make the same change in the other.
  1. Select Add.
  2. Enter the ID and name, then select the legislation.
  3. For French legislation, the Primary and Secondary document type fields are required. For other legislations, you can skip to the next step.

    Primary document type: For purchasing and sales invoices for French legislation, enter FF.

    Secondary document type: For purchasing and sales credit notes for French legislation, enter AF.

    See the Sage FRP 1000 integration overview for details.

  4. Select a unique sequence number.

Edit a journal

Select and edit a journal from the Selection list.

If the journal you select is active, your changes affect any documents linked to this journal.

When you edit a journal here, you need to make the same changes in your financial solution.

Delete a journal

When you delete a journal here, that journal is not automatically deleted in your financial solution. You can delete this journal manually in your financial solution, but it is not necessary.